Sunday, December 29, 2019

Charlie's Angels

So i watched reruns of Charlie's Angels as a kid, i liked em, i liked most of the old shows. Chips, A Team, Dukes of Hazards, etc. When the film came out i saw it, it wasn't very good but i had a big enough of a crush on Drew Barrymore to see the sequel. She was even hotter but the film was still sub par. Elizabeth Banks....a girl that i have always found hot and funny, in film, yet annoying in real life. She always rubbed me wrong, seeming like the "cool girl" that claimed to know what it was like to be bullied. That is neither here nor there but it went in to her mission statement of us vs them. See while her first film, Pitch Perfect 2, did nothing for me, i wasn't a fan of the first but i saw it on HBO and figured why not, but now she thinks that her film failed because of men not wanting to see women in film. Well i guess Wonder Woman and Captain Marvel both failed eh? Nope they made money, why because there was an audience. There was no audience for Charlie's Angels, no one asked for it. Fans of the series prefer the series, fans of the 00's movies admit to it being just hot babes, and that is all this was, only with a dumber plot, worse acting and and less skill in directing. If the trailer looked good maybe people would have gone, but no one cared before, no one cares now, no one will care in the future. Continue to make shitty films, go on, and not good shitty films, or fun shitty films, continue to make shit films. Thank you, fuck you bye. But no...the film isn't that bad, i mean it is but it isn't the worst thing ever.

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