Monday, February 12, 2018

Day of the Dead: Bloodline

Stop remaking Romero, seriously. Okay the first remake of Night is awesome, and Synder's Dawn is pretty cool, but all those sequels, reboots & remakes or Night are awful. The worst offenders are the Day films. The Day sequel Contagium was pure zombie shit. The remake of Day was just as bad but not quite. Now we have something that almost tops it, almost, cause Contagium is one of the worst films ever made, and this here, Bloodline, is pretty damn close. It starts off promising with blood, almost too much as it felt forced. A nice rack goes for a run, cut to hours earlier, we meet one dimensional characters and are fed a plot that attempts to copy the 85 classic but fails miserably, no commentary, no heart, no cool moments or character interactions, just a dull 90 minute piece of shit.

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