Monday, April 29, 2019


So, i loved the opening with Hawkeye as the cool family guy, it set the tone for the film and was cringe worthy knowing what was about to happen, a perfect cold open. Seeing Nebula & Tony bond over paper football and sharing drinks was cute, her tucking him in humanized her, it was touching. Once Cpt Marvel shows up, the films speeds up too much. The death of Thanos i respected the rug pull but it still felt anti climatic. Hawkeye being a kung fu John Wick, Thor being a drunk gamer, Cap leading a group therapy session, Tony having a family, all was perfect. Hulk i was ho hum on, but i get it, it's been 5 years and following how he developed in Ragnarok & Infinity War, it makes sense. Loved seeing Widow taking charge and having Rocket, War Machine and Wakanda Michone on the ground was great. Antman brought alot of heart, and he was key to the films plot. Now time travel seemed to have plot holes. I think they only had an hour in their inception like time slots placed in to time traveling adventures, but it seemed as if the events would have taken atleast two...maybe, maybe not, minor nitpick. Why didn't Nebula tell anyone about the sacrifice of the Soul Stone? Meh, the Widow-Hawkeye fight was great, tons of heart. THe Avenger tower stuff was fun,Cap vs Cap, Cap saying Haul Hydra, Crossbones returning, Loki possibly starting a multiverse. Fun nods, such as Cap o n the elevator, pure badass. The 70s scene had alot of family heart to heart with House Stark, and speaking of parent/spawn...Thor & his mom, heartfelt and brilliant, as was the Asgardians chasing the "rabbit". Nebula & War Machine watching Starlord was pure bliss, and the following with past Nebula/past Thanos/past Gamora torturing Nebula was the Guardians shit i love. Loved the pure destruction of the Avengers, i get goosebumps when t he babyfaces arrive and save the day, all the heroes are back and the battle was epic. That along with Game of Thrones, what a day! Females saving Spidey, Cap being worthy, Antman and the Wasp not having to say a word, Groot reuniting with Rocket, strong leadership by Panther. Peter and Tony having a touching reuntion, so much heart in this entire film, and not too much "Marvel humor" it is perfect. The Iron snap was poetic The funeral was great, having Insidious kid return was a mark out moment for this Iron Man 3 fanboy, Panther rebuilding, Peter and his seemingly all snapped classmates going back to school, Thor joining the Guardians, Cap passing the torch, and his flashaback dance with Peggy. Great film. I almost wish this was THE finale since we had a few deaths, some retirements, so sabbaticals, characters finding peace. I thought i hated this when i watched it but i loved it and can't wait to see  it again.

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