Tuesday, August 1, 2023

TMNT: Mutant Mayhem

 It's no secret(of the Ooze) that i love the Ninja Turtles. They are one property i have legit had in my life since i was a baby. Grew up with all the figures, the animated series, and the live action films. As a teen i began reading the Eastman/Laird comics but even in adulthood, the Turtles have always been there. Mutant Mayhem feels like a true labor of love, it's visual as fuck, has darkness of the comics, the wonderment of the cartoon and the general what the fuckness of the figures. So many times comic films are for adults but welcome kids, this is a kids film that welcomes adults. This along with Barbie & Oppenheimer seem to be driving cinema back to how it was(Barbie being an event, Oppenheimer being a film for grown ups, and this being a perfect film for kids), and in doing so is a kids film that doesn't insult children nor adults. It has subtle macabre humor, sophomoric gross out humor, plenty of inside jokes & easter eggs all while being a perfect possible introduction to a new generation of Turtle fans. This really felt like the filmmakers were playing with toys, and the final act proves all of that, it's a pure chaotic crash of a kaiju battle that works on every level. The voice cast is great as is the soundtrack, and i can't wait for the sequel. Is this my favorite TMNT film? No, the 90s version will always retain that title, but this might very well be the best. 

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