Friday, August 2, 2024


 M Night Shymalan is a great film maker even if most of his films are not great. After Split....and a lesser extent Glass i felt he was in his new master era, but then along came Old. That is probably his worst film for me, but he rebounded with Knock at the Cabin, and i was glad, i didn't want to write him off. Now he has Trap, a film that honestly doesn't feel like it is from M Night. It feels like a studio film with a director for hire, and that isn't a knock, i still found it to be fun. Josh Hartnett is great here,  the last act you see the "real him" it almost feels like a different character while at first he seems to be steps ahead even if it feels far fetched, which it does ALOT. He was fun to unravel but still quite messy. 

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