Saturday, December 19, 2020


 Tenet, the film Christopher Nolan forced into cinema, is a film about preventing something worse than a nuclear holocaust, is a film that could have prevented millions of getting sick of Covid if only Christoper Nolan wasn't such a smug, boring, self indulged,  studio suck ass that can't think of an original idea that isn't pretentious and overly ambitious. The film might be the worst film i have ever seen, this was excruciating, i'd rather have more torture ans have my dick ripped off. I can't think of a film i have ever hated this fucking much. A pure convoluted, boring, and ugly piece of shit. This film was total garbage for two and a half hours, the only redeeming quality might have been the first sixty seconds, then it goes pure Nolan and blows its load and makes us watch it's "brilliance". Just because a film is well shot doesn't mean it is good, this is far from it. It is far from visually stunning and the acting will put you to sleep better than ZzzQuil. Just because your script adds surrealism and time travel with too many layers doesn't make your film smart. In fact i think i would feel more intellectual after fucking  Kim Kardashian in a Wamart parking lot while listening to Donald Trump on the radio. Fuck you Christopher Nolan for forcing Warner and cinemas to open for your trash, fuck you for making a film that was this bad, fuck you for knowing your film would bomb and thus WB is now changing their 2021 rollout plan. You wanted to save film but instead you fucked it up the ass with your herpectic covid dick. Many will say "you didn't get it" i'm glad i didn't because atleast i wont be lying to myself. There is nothing to get other than Nolan being a guy that hasn't made a good film in almost a decade. 

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