Thursday, November 11, 2021

Army of Thieves

 Did we really need a prequel to Army of the Dead? No. Do we really need a sequel? No. Do we really need an animated series? No....but if the animated series and the sequel are as fun as the prequel then i am all for em. Army of Thieves is a heist film during a zombie apocalypse, but unlike AotD the virus is just in the US so the rest of the world is just watching. Where as the first is a zombie film this here just acknowledges their existence and the center of attention is the heist itself. Matthias Schweighofer reprises his role but also takes on director duties, at first i rolled my eyes at the thought of this but he nails his character, as does the rest of the heist team. It is self aware, funny and stylish. Was it rushed and unneeded? Yes. Fuck it though, it was fun. 

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