Monday, July 4, 2022

Jerry & Marge Go Large

 Jerry & Marge Go Large is a sappy, contrived & eyerolling film that feels like it should have come out in the 00s, but it has charm. Most jokes fall flat but the story is light and keeps the pace going. It is sad Bryan Cranston has become this type of actor but atleast he appeared to be having fun. Take Walter White, the sadsack aspect, make him less depressed and not in as big of a rut, instead of a chemist he is an accountant, instead of cooking meth he finds a loophole in the lotto. It's far from a bad film, in fact it is a perfect Sunday afternoon film but still feels forgettable. I honestly forgot i watched it 6 hours ago. I enjoyed it but nothing i'd ever tell someone to watch, unless maybe they truly love math. 

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