Thursday, June 29, 2017


I remember watching GLOW tapes back in the day, i became a fan after hearing that Ivory started there. The style was a head of its time, little edgier, shot as a series, was almost a feminine Lucha Underground. The Documentary was fantastic, and now the show, whoa, great cast, great, edgy humor, dark humor, witty humor, amazing chemistry & timing, likable characters, cameos from wrestlers galore. Where as a show like Daredevil is to cater to nerds, this is to cater to marks. Now yes, marks can be nerds & non nerds, but nerdom is mainstream at the moment, being a mark is not. Yes wrestling is acceptable again, but now, more so than ever, it is like a secret handshake. Whenever i see a baseball or football flick, i feel envious for now being able to love the source, but this here, this is my shit. It is one of the best new shows of the year, no, best seasons of any show of the year!Mark Maron steals every single scene he is in, and the casting of such strong women is another step in the right direction! Even if you are not a mark, check it out! If you liked Whip It, check it out, if you like Orange is the New Black, check it out, if you hated those things, check it out! It is just, too SWEEEET!

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